
  • 2021: Jeffery Katzer Professor of the Year at Graduate Level, iSchool, Syracuse University
  • 2020: Third Annual Prize for the article Tang, Jian and Ping Zhang (2019), Exploring the relationships between gamification and motivational needs in technology design, International Journal of Crowd Science, 3(1), 87-103. 2020
  • 2017: Highly cited research in Electronic Commerce Research and Application
  • 2016 – 17: Provost’s Faculty Fellow, Syracuse University
  • 2016: Author of one of the most highly cited and highly influential papers published in 2013 relating to the areas of Business Management, Finance, Accounting, Economics and Marketing
  • 2016: Most cited paper award by Electronic Commerce Research and Application during 2014, 2015 and up until June 2016, for the paper by Zhou, Lina, Ping Zhang, and Hans-Dieter Zimmerman (2013), Social Commerce Research: An Integrated View, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), Vol. 12, Issue 2, 61-68
  • 2015 – 16: ACE Fellow
  • 2014: My PhD student Youngseek Kim’s dissertation research was chosen as a “Highly Commended Award Winner” of the 2014 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards in the Information Science category
  • 2014. My PhD student Youngseek Kim’s dissertation received the 2014 ALISE Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Award.
  • 2014: My PhD student Jian Tang was the recipient of university-wide doctoral prize in 2014 Graduation Ceremony.
  • 2013: My PhD student Nate Prestopnik was the recipient of university-wide doctoral prize in 2013 Graduation Ceremony.
  • 2010: Nominated for the best paper award, “Coping with Nuisance on the Web,” by Nate Prestopnik and Ping Zhang, The Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Lima, Peru, August, 2010
  • 2009: Named among top 10 researchers in five i-schools according to the impact of publications between 2001and 2005. Source: Altmann, J., Abbasi, A., & Hwang, J. (2009). “Evaluating the Productivity of Researchers and their Communities: the RP-Index and the CP-Index.” International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, 6(2), 104–118
  • 2008: Nominated for the best paper award, “Online seller trust and use of online auction marketplaces,” by Heshan Sun and Ping Zhang, The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Suzhou, China, July 2008
  • 2007: My PhD student Heshan Sun was the recipient of university-wide doctoral prize in 2007 Graduation Ceremony.
  • 2007: Best paper award, “Positive Affect and Negative Affect in IT Adoption: A Longitudinal Study,” by Ping Zhang and Na (Lina) Li, 6th pre-ICIS HCI workshop, Montreal, Canada, December 2007
  • 2007: Nominated for the best paper award, “Motivation, Social Identity and Ideology Conviction in OSS Communities: The Mediating Role of Effort Intensity and Goal Commitment,” by Weiling Ke and Ping Zhang, The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), July 2007
  • 2006: Named among top information systems researchers according to the number of publications in seven leading information systems journals between 2001 and 2005. Source: Jan Clark and John Warren, “In search of primary suppliers of research: who are they and where did they come from?” Communications of Association for Information Systems, 18, 296-328
  • 2004: Best paper award, “An Empirical Study on the Roles of Affective Variables in User Adoption of Search Engines,” by Heshan Sun & Ping Zhang, 3rd pre-ICIS Annual Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Washington, DC, December 2004
  • 2001: Best paper award, “The Impact of Animation Timing and Location on Visual Search Task Performance in the Web Environment,” by Ping Zhang, 7th Americas Conference on Information Systems, IS and S/W Design, Development, and Use Track, Boston, MA, August, 2001
  • 1997: Best paper award, “Distance Teaching a Graduate Course on Information Systems Analysis and Design,” by Ping Zhang, 12th Annual Conference, International Academy for Information Management, Atlanta, GA, December 1997
  • 1994: Fred Moore Assistant Instructor Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Business Administration, The University of Texas at Austin
  • 1993: Chosen model assistant instructor for a training material “Inside UT classrooms” by The Center of Teaching Effectiveness at UT Austin
  • 1993: Featured in Austin’s newspaper Austin-American-Statesmen for teaching effectiveness by foreign instructors.